Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF): 123.00
Austin Approach: 119.00
FSS San Angelo: 124.09
METAR: 119.375 (Lago Vista, 8.3nm North, Phone 512-267-1365)
Pilot controlled field information:
3 clicks on freq. 123.00
Elevation: 909' MSL. Left traffic pattern 1,909'.
Runways 16 - 34: 3930' x 70'.
Asphalt; trees each end; Pwr lines RWY 34;
Caution: Deer in area.
Displaced Thresholds:
165′ (RWY 16), 345′ (RWY 34)
Coordinates: N30-21.48; W097-59.67
Magnetic Variation: 7E
Navaids: CWK 112.80 261° @ 24.1 Miles
Approaches: VOR/DME; GPS
Charts: San Antonio / L15
No touch & go's. Full stop only.
No operations after sunset or before sunrise.
No low passes or fly-by's. Follow FARs.
No gliders, balloons, ultralight or weight-shift aircraft.
No hot fueling (with engine running)
Park only in marked spaces.
Max. certified gross takeoff weight is 12,500 lbs.*
Any practice operations at 3R9 should *only* be for the familiarization of the Airpark, (landing, pattern and take-off). Once familiar, all practice operations should be done away from the Airpark.
Please respect our neighbors and fly quietly with no turns before 1 Mile or 400' AGL (1300' MSL) after departure and fly standard traffic patterns for fixed wing and helicopters. Thank you.
Please run-up at the departure end of the runway whenever possible. Please use the taxiway between ramp and RWY 34 whenever possible. Note: low obstructions on that taxiway.
Lakeway Airpark offers Aviation Fuel (AVGAS / 100LL) for sale. This is self service and accepts major credit cards and provides a receipt. The fuel pump is located near our Terminal building at the entrance to the airport, next to the ramp. Be sure to ground your aircraft before fueling.
No hot fueling (with engine running).
Phone: (512) 261-4385 (Recording)
Hours: Not Attended
Airpark CLOSED sunset to sunrise